500 Amazing Pictures of Southeast Asia

Timen Swijtink recently launched an excellent website called in my All Stars, a site dedicated to exploring “experience traveling.”

During the summer of 2006, Swijtink spent 10 weeks “experience traveling” through Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand. Over the past 2 months, he’s been sorting through the 6000 photos he took and assembling them into a book. Unfortunately, he only printed 3 copies of the book — one for his mom; one for showing people; and one for posterity. For the rest of us, Swijtink has made his book available for free in PDF format.

Swijtink’s book is an excellent cultural immersion in a part of the world that’s still somewhat mysterious. Filled with his 500 best images of people, sunsets, street vendors, cityscapes, and vistas, the book is an extraordinary look at a part of the world many people have yet to visit. I highly recommend downloading and looking through the book. It’s incredible.