Woman arrested at Ben-Gurion airport with 44 iPhones strapped to her legs

Forget drugs, animals and bomb parts – the new hot commodity of choice for smugglers is apparently the Apple iPhone. At Israel’s Ben Gurion Airport, a passenger was caught trying to smuggle 44 of the smartphones into the country.

The Israeli woman was returning from London when security guards noticed the phones on the screen of their full-body scanner. Apparently, the passenger had dressed herself in layers of traditional Georgian attire, but failed to realize that the scanners would be able to see right through them.

When she was scanned, the operators were amazed to see the 44 phones in her stockings. After the catch, she was released and a decision will be made later this week whether to indict her.

At least the iPhones were relatively “normal” – other smugglers have tried to import live pigeons, a dead relative and a monkey.

[Photo: AP]

Dulles customs agents arrest man for his coke and chicken smuggle trick

Washington Dulles customs agents arrested a man last week for trying to smuggle cooked chicken into the US stuffed with cocaine. The haul was just 60 grams, but that is still worth $4,300 on the street.

While smuggling cocaine isn’t too rare, customs officials do come across new methods every week.

Of course, smuggling your stash in cooked chicken is particularly stupid, as department of agriculture cops are always on the lookout for meat in your luggage. You might as well wear a sign telling them you are a smuggler.

Some other wacky finds at the border we’ve covered here on Gadling:

British woman caught smuggling a kilo of cocaine in her wig

I know what you are thinking, but no. The British woman in question is not Amy Winehouse. Although, I always wondered what the eccentric English singer keeps stuffed in that hairdo. An average-size cat was my guess.

It honestly never even dawned on me that one could smuggle stuff in their hair. That’s probably because I can barely hide a bobby pin in mine.

People get so creative. Check this one out.

A British woman was arrested in at Vaernes airport in Norway on suspicion of drug smuggling. According to Mail Online, an airport customs officer noticed the 32-year-old had ‘a lot of hair’. Closer examination revealed a one kilogram (2.2lb) bag of cocaine glued to her head under a hairpiece.

Apparently, it was glued so firmly to the woman’s real hair that police had to take her to hospital to have it removed.

What did she say about that? No, No, No.