Wisconsin’s “Wonder Spot” To Close

“Accidentally” discovered on June 16, 1948, southern Wisconsin’s “Wonder Spot” is an area approximately 50 feet in diameter in which the laws of gravity seem to be ignored. In the old cabin sitting on this spot, water flows uphill, chairs balance on two legs, and people are unable to walk straight. (Sounds like a bar I know.) Is this “gravity vortex” — one of several dozen reported vortices in the USA — the center of a paranormal hotspot? Is it a clever marketing gimmick? Who’s to say. In any event, it’ll soon be dozed and have a road built on top of it — all in the name of progress.

Though the Wonder Spot sees as many as 50,000 visitors a year (at $5 a head), Bill Carney recently sold the roadside attraction to the village of Lake Delton for $300,000. The village wants to build a road through the spot where the Wonder Spot has stood since the 1950s. Though the new road won’t run over the Wonder Spot, itself, it’ll run darn close, and that’s what prompted Carney to sell.

Though I’ve never been to the Wonder Spot, I can’t imagine that the village couldn’t figure out a way to incorporate this relic of Americana into its comprehensive plan. Considering the entire region is a tourist’s delight, saving this rich piece of culture seems like it should’ve been a priority.