I tend to meet a lot of people who seem to have mega dough in the bank to travel, but never the
time. You know the busy business exec’s who just can’t seem to sneak away from the office? On
the flip-side I’ve got all the time in the world to see the world, but little cash-flow. The starving
boho artist type, if you catch my drift. Well, many times I can be pretty tight-fisted when it comes to
spending money, but today I’m in a giving mood. So now I’m going to present you with a website that seems to have
the giving spirit as well.
The Fresh Air Fund is an independent not-for-profit agency
that provides free summer vacations for inner-city children residing in some of New York’s toughest
neighborhoods. The organization has been serving youth since 1877, so it’s no fly-by night operation. You
don’t have to come out of pocket to help a child have a summer to remember, volunteer your time or become a host.
Being unable to escape a stiff well air-condition office may seem like the pits, but imagine yourself stuck on some of
the worst inner-city streets.
Sounds like a nice place to place your unused travel dollars if you’ve got any to spare.