This weekend I ran across several pieces on the
coming Winter Olympics in Turin, Italy. Last
minute flight options, finding cheap hotel rooms within the city, and chances to score free
tickets are all the rave for vacation procrastinators. The only thing I can add to all of the above is good luck!
Planning vacation travel for 2008 might be just a little far out for most, but when you’re talking about
the Olympics, then I’d have to say get your tickets now. Or mark you calendar well in advance to purchase them. Come on
The 2008 Summer Olympics are going to be held in Beijing, which I
think is outrageously awesome. Again, it is too early to book flights out for the games, but you can keep up with
breaking news at the official site here. Recently
announced were the official mascots called “Friendlies.” The five “Friendlies” will carry messages of friendship and
peace from China to children across the lands.