Word for the Travel Wise (02/14/06)

It is said that American’s probably began the exchange of valentines in 1700
when the hand-made kind were still chic. Then, in the 1840’s a business-minded woman by the name of Esther A. Howland began to sell the
first massed produced valentines in America. Could she have triggered the start of the over-commercialized side of
V-Day? If so, thanks Esther. Thanks a lot. Personally, I think it’s a fairly cruddy holiday that singles the singles
out, gets the lonely down, keeps the heart-broken sulking and takes the love-sick to the bank. Show people you care all
the other 364 days of the year for Pete’s sake. Despite my bitter sweet feelings towards the holiday I bought into the
commercialized event by purchasing some Dora the Explorer Valentine’s to exchange with my friends during an anti-V-Day
soiree I had planned, but ended up cancelling. Dora, like myself enjoys teaching and learning new languages in addition
to exploring new places. With all that being said, let’s learn a few new ways to say "I Love You." Feel free
to use them any day other than Valentine’s day.

  • Albanian – Te dua
  • Basc –
    Nere Maitea
  • Berber – Lakh tirikh
  • Cantonese – Ngo oi ney
  • Croatian – Volim
  • Danish – Jeg elsker dig
  • Estonian – Mina armastand sind
  • Flemmish – Ik zie oe
  • French – Je t’aime
  • Gaelic – Ta gra agam ort
  • Hopi – Nu’ umi
  • Spanish – Te amo
  • Tunisian – Ha eh bak

For more ways to say "I love
you," go to this Columbia.edu site.