The very few countries in which communism still exists are time capsules from another era. To visit is to go back fifty years to the Cold War when the world shuddered over a different type of horror altogether.
Communist dictatorships are a rare breed these days, but those wishing to see what such a system of government was like for so many years, can pop on over to North Korea and check it out. Visiting North Korea, however, is about as difficult as visiting the U.S.S.R. forty years ago.
But, you can visit virtually.
A few weeks ago Erik posted a video link to the North Korea Genius Kids who are basically raised by the state and molded into perfect little socialists. Today, I’m directing you to another video from the amazing Rob Pongi collection. This video is a complete contrast to brightly dressed Genius Kids dancing through choreographed moves. It is, in fact, a short propaganda film ripping apart the United States.
I’ve seen similar shorts from many years ago but most are dated and comical. This one is also hokey and amusing, but slightly more terrifying as it combines some MTV flash, rock music, and contemporary vulgarities to reach out to North Korea’s “progressive” youth and really hammer the message home.
I really don’t think they like us over there.