Earlier this fall Moon released two updated guides to Costa Rica. The 6th edition of the handbook to Costa Rica was written by veteran travel writer Christoper P. Baker, an expert on both Costa Rica and Cuba. Baker won the 2006 Lowell Thomas Award for best guidebook for a previous edition of this book. At 650 pages, the latest version is bursting with valuable tips about traveling through this tropical jewel.
Another recent release is Moon’s second edition of Living Abroad in Costa Rica, written by Erin Van Rheenen, a writer who has lived abroad in Nigeria, Ireland, Ecuador, Mexico and Guatemala. She now spends time in both Costa Rica and California. One of Erin’s favorite things about CR: fresh squeezed o.j. costs about $.35 from a streetside cart. More information can be found at her website.
Guidebook publisher Moon was recently named Best Travel Series of the year by the ALA’s Booklist.