Daily Pampering: The little black cellphone dress

The little black dress is a staple in women’s closets, and soon it will ring. London-based fashion company CuteCircuit has just released the newest version of the Little Black Dress, complete with a cell phone.

Called the “M-Dress” (Mobile Phone Dress), the elegant silk jersey dress also doubles as mobile phone. All you do is slide your standard SIM card into the dress label and you’ll be able to make and receive calls without carrying around your phone. When the dress rings, the simple gesture of bringing your hand to the ear will allow the sensor to answer the call. When you’re done with the call, simply drop your hand and the dress will close the call.

According to CuteCircuit’s website, “The M-Dress was designed after our research showed that very often phone calls are missed because mobile phones are quite awkward to carry, especially for women, that have garments with small or no pockets.”

The LBD of the future won’t be out until sometime in 2011, and the price hasn’t been set yet, but we’re keeping a close eye on this one and will let you know when it’s available (and when we get our hands on one!).

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