Photo of the Day – Hong Kong Junk

I don’t know that any city in the world can match the sheer “wow” factor of Hong Kong’s harbor. The city’s massive skyscrapers sit precariously perched on the lips of mountainous islands, always looking as if they’re about to fall into the sea. There’s probably no better way to take in the incredible view of this marvelous city than from the confines of a boat, particularly aboard a line like the Star Ferry. Flickr user wesleyrosenblum provides us with a fine example what the view from a Hong Kong boat ride might look like. In front of you is ancient Chinese Junk, its bright red mast floating in the breeze. Behind, Hong Kong Island aglow at twilight, a shimmering sea below and a sky of dusty orange and soft blue above. Perfect.

Taken any great travel photos of your own? Why not add them to our Gadling group on Flickr? We might just pick one of yours as our Photo of the Day.

Guess which country is ranked #1 for expats?

Those of us who love to travel know the feeling: you’re in some completely foreign place and you find yourself thinking “Could I live here?” Sometimes, the answer is an overwhelming “Yes!”

Even if you think you could live in a foreign place, the idea of packing up your life and family and disconnecting from all the comforts of home can be daunting enough to quell your wanderlust. Being a stranger in a strange town — especially if every shopkeeper asks you where you’re from every single day for three years (I’m looking at you, Liverpool, where I went to college) — is not always easy.

Well, here’s some news that may or may not surprise you. According to Reuters, “The second annual Expat Experience survey, commissioned by HSBC Bank International, revealed that expats in Canada have the best quality of life and found it among the easiest places in the world to integrate with the local population.”

The survey, which reached 3,146 people living and working in 50 countries, ranked Australia as number two — but don’t expect that English-speaking was the only factor considered; the third was Thailand, and it was closely followed by Vietnam, Hong Kong, Brunei and Malaysia. Go Asia!

Britain actually ranked among the least satisfying places for expats, particularly because of the high cost of living — the salaries may be larger, but it doesn’t really help.

Alan Smith, Head of International Wealth Management at HSBC International, in his summary of the report, says: “High salary doesn’t always mean a high quality of life.” This is at least half true; the lowest paid expats reportedly live in Australia (#2) and Belgium (dead last).

You can read the full HSBC Expat Experience report here.

[via Reuters]