Why your state sucks: the depressing but true map of America

The folks over at Pleated Jeans have come up with a funny yet painful new map of America. It doesn’t show our cities or rivers or mountains, it shows our flaws. As you can see, each state is singled out for what they’re worst at. Maps reveal a lot about the territory they cover, and this one shows more than some people may want to see.

I’ve lived in three different states and I have to say that I wasn’t too surprised by the results. New York has the longest daily commute? My job there certainly had the longest commute I’ve ever had to do. Arizona has the highest rate of alcoholism? There was a bar near my house that served $1 pitchers of beer. Missouri being ranked highest in bankruptcy didn’t come as much of a shock either, although I would have guessed somewhere in the Deep South.

I also wasn’t surprised at Utah having the highest rate of online porn subscriptions. Harvard economics professor Benjamin Edelman, whose study came to this conclusion, noted, “Subscriptions are slightly more prevalent in states that have enacted conservative legislation on sexuality.” Ah, the good old religious double standard!

In Washington state, they don’t need online porn because they’re humping animals at a higher rate than anyone. The source for this has a very small sample size, so maybe Alaskans are better at keeping their huskies quiet and Texans take their steers far out on the range.

Do you agree with the assessment of your own state? Tell us what you think in the comments section!

New state, new map – Road trip tip

When road-tripping, pick up a fresh map every time you enter a new state.

In the United Sates, there are often welcome centers or rest stations that provide free state maps. When on the interstate, take the time to stretch your legs and pick up an official state map.

A state map from the state’s Department of Transportation provides information and details not normally found on your national atlas. State maps can offer facts about driving laws, attractions, and locations — as well as invaluable, detailed city maps (usually on the reverse side). State maps also serve as excellent (free) mementos of your trip.

So remember, new state, new map.