Inspired by a time when stewardesses used to snap polaroids of passengers boarding their flights
and had to cook omelettes from real eggs in the galley as well as cook steaks to order,
Plane Crazy is a musical not to be missed. For those of us
who never had the opportunity to take a flight during the 60’s all this may seem over the top, but the reality is
flying used to be much more of an experience. (Unless you are flying Southwest who seem to have added a little humor to
the in-flight safety instructions.) Imagine having a steak cooked to order on a flight these days. Something like that
might cost you $30 bucks and for cube steak at that.
The primary focus of the musical is on two things. The first being the glamour and flash of mass media fascination
with the “JetAge.” Second being the Women’s Movement, where serious issues and compelling questions are
belted out in song and the contrast of the two themes together can be laughed about. Flashy uniform’s and cries of Hey
Baby from needy passengers are only but a tasting of what this story has got to offer.
See the storyline for a better idea of
how crazy everyone whoever took flight in the 60’s really was.
There isn’t much time left to check out Plane Crazy, the classic 60’s musical and comedy built into one. The show
runs until Sunday, September 25, 2005 at the Beckett Theatre in NYC.
(Tickets $15.) Can’t say how bummed I am that
I didn’t make this one as I heart musicals and trips to the Big Apple. If you’re around town do check it out and share
your thoughts.