Playstation Portable

Don’t know why I didn’t think to recommend the Sony Playstation Portable/PSP for travelers with troublesome children or those with short attention spans sooner. I know all the writers
here have probably made mention of a crying baby or how to travel with children on a plane once or
twice in the past, but I’m pleased to present you with an excellent review of the console
by our sister site Engadget. Dan Wu did the hands-on review exactly one year ago on this day, which means it’s
been out for quite sometime, but not in U.S. markets for the entire duration. And it was only last month I had the
very pleasing opportunity to work on the PSP promo in conjunction with the Breed Love Odyssey Tour. It was my first time
using the console and many of the people I encountered at the Concert. Quite an impressive gadget.
The console not only serves as a means to play all the latest video games, but the UMD (universal media discs)
also allow one to watch movies as well. These are the features I personally feel would be most useful for the
younger kiddies, but let’s say you’re dealing with a big kid (like a husband or boyfriend). For this
demographic features like photo viewing, playing music, and WiFi capabilities might make him drool. While I may be not
so good at providing all the specs you’ll find all the info you could ever want and more at Engadget or better yet the PSP Fanboy site. Overall size makes this the perfect
travel companion on long road trips or flights abroad.
The going price for the PSP is a low $249.99.