Since I’m
gearing up to be on the road for several months next year, I didn’t ask for much this holiday, and, as I mentioned earlier, the family and I didn’t really
exchange gifts. Right now my life is all about getting rid of what I don’t need anymore while simultaneously gathering
only the bare necessities for my travels. I was fortunate to get a few excellent gifts that I’ll use for my upcoming
trip — Some thoughtful friends and family were kind enough to help me start checking things off the gear list. Here’s
a quick round up of the gifts I was lucky to receive: an ultra-absorbant Aquis Microfiber Body Towel, a Mini Maglite flashlight, a travel candle tin (with a homemade candle in it), a mini
date/adress book, a Campmor gift certificate and a copy of The Best American Travel
Writing 2005. My brother says I can’t bring the book with me (unecessary extra baggage for the backpack, of course)
so I have to read it in the next month! I must say that the towel and flashlight really got me excited for this
trip…it’s amazing what will make a budget traveler smile :)
So wanderlust readers — what was your
favorite travel-related gift of the year? Was it a surprise or something you asked Santa for? And who got a trip or
vacation getaway as a gift?!?!? I’m sure someone did…