2006 Coming Attractions

Hard to believe I’ve been at this blogging thing here for almost a year. Late January should make for a complete twelve months and I couldn’t have found a better
fit to explore the web and report my findings. A never ending journey trying to tackle the best finds not only for you
guys, but for myself too! And as of tomorrow there will be some new features and exciting things going on, least I
think so. I feel giddy just thinking about them. New words, destinations, cuisines, trip planning techniques and live
dispatches from some of the greatest shows on Earth. Is your seat belt on? Good. I’d hate to promise a podcast or two,
so I won’t but if one pops up from yours truly, consider it a gift from me to you. I’ll save the semi-hyped
introduction to a more dynamic 2006 super blogger and let the blogging action speak louder than these here blogging

Oh, and happy New Year!
