With award season right around the corner those who are absolutely stumped on finding something to do shouldn’t call the weekend a wash just yet. It may be the last day of 2005, but there is still time to catch up
on some of the year’s best films both in the theater and from home. Budget Travel Online
serves a good list of 10 films about travel or inspire one to do so. After watching each film, they figured you’d
probably be wanting to do some travel of your own more than likely to the same fashion of the film so they were kind
enough in providing tips. You won’t find the tips listed here, you’ll have to go to Budget Travel direct, but I will list
the films. I plan on seeing Narnia with mum this evening and maybe I’ll rent ‘Everything is Illuminated’ for the first
day of 06.’ It is on DVD right? And now the list:
- March of the Penguins
- Pride
& Prejudice - Memoirs of a Geisha
- Brokeback Mountain
- The Chronicles of Narnia:
The Lion, With and the Wardrobe - Duma
- Everything is Illuminated
- Grizzly Man
- Match Point
- Sahara