OK, I saw the Da Vinci Code this weekend and let’s just say I was underwhelmed. Sure it’s a fine yarn, and there’s nothing like some good religious-based controversy to keep your interest piqued. But overall it was rather slow and, well, confusing. I like the notion that people must confront certain taboo topics like the true nature and history of Jesus, but as a movie, well, it just kind of sat there. And what do we have against albinos in our society? Why are they always so evil? OK, there was Powder, but otherwise albinos are always the bad guys. They need a better PR person, me thinks.
Anyhoodle, back to the Da Vinci Code movie. I have to say it did kindle in me the desire to get to Paris. Not to see all the Da Vinci code sites, per se, certainly not the Mona Lisa, but just the beauty and culture of the City of Lights, that was something that I enjoyed in the film.
So all that said, though I have no desire to advertise the film, I did see this rather interesting full-color guide to the Da Vinci Code Paris that might be worth a look for Da Vinci fanatics. The book examines the mysteries and symbolism of Paris, retraces the footsteps of Dan Brown’s characters, and takes you through the streets of Paris all in a fun, happy, Jesus-was-just-a-man kind of way.