Drive I-95

Let’s see, if there was one East Coast road that I would be happy to never drive again, what would that road be? Hmmm, probably I-95. Why? It seems to me like every time I take I-95 I get stuck in the worst damn traffic I have ever seen. Well, worst for the East Coast anyway. I’ve spent many an hour of my lifetime on the 405 in So Cal, but that is another story. The 405 actually makes I-95 look like the Autobahn. The reason I bring this up is that I discovered recently one potential way to make I-95 tolerable. Of course that will apply only if you actually have a lot of time to spare and aren’t really headed anywhere important. Most likely that does not apply to you or me. But if it did, then you might just be interested in the Drive I-95 Guide Book.

The book is written for roadtrippers or I-95 slaves who are looking for something more to do while they navigate the Florida-to-Maine roadway. There is information on various roadside amenities, hotels, motels, restaurants and services. Oh, the services. It’s a handy book, I suppose, with lots of maps showing what’s coming up at each exit, like ATMs, pet-friendly lodging, gas stations, outlet shops and landmarks. No whore houses apparently. They left those out. But if you’re like me and you are curious about what lies on the other side of those highway walls as you speed on your way, this might be a nice little reference giude to have.