My wife LOVES olives. We have jars galore inside our fridge, and I have to confess I’m not such a fan. Olive oil on bread? Sure, delish. But olives alone? Nah. You can have them. But this story over at NPR alerted me to a new way to prepare olives that kind of made me drool (it could be because it is just before lunch and I am very hungry). But in the small Italian town of Cagli, about four hours northeast of Rome, in Italy’s eastern Le Marche, they make a yummy-sounding little dish whereby they stuff olives with spiced ground meat and then fry the suckers. Too bad the folks at Google, or someone else for that matter, hasn’t yet invented a way to download food, because right now I’d pay a pretty penny…or Lira…to have some of these babies come right through my modem.