When exploring strange and new things, one mustn’t forget the mouth.
Culinary adventure is a part of travel; visiting a place where people eat differently than you is reason enough, to eat differently yourself.
Sometimes, however, different means bizarre, gagging, dry heaves, and, if you’re unlucky, perhaps even death.
But that’s no reason not to try something new.
Christa Weil agrees. She has just penned a book called Fierce Food: The Intrepid Diner’s Guide to the Unusual, Exotic, and Downright Bizarre. As you might imagine, it has some rather freaky critters, brains and bugs hidden between its pages. I haven’t yet gotten my hands on a copy as it was just released, but the fine folks over at DeepEndDining have read it and written up a short review.
Eyeballs, live monkey brain, boiled sheep’s head, and armadillo are just a few of the yummy things one can look forward to reading about. Or, you can simply hop on a plane and try them out yourself. Let me know how that eyeball tastes, however; I might just have to wimp out over that one. Ugh!