Meet me in Lagos – It’s goin’ down! Okay, sorry that was wrong of me and I promise to try keeping catchy rap hooks out of my blogs. Anyhow, a few friends were talking as usual about returning to their motherland of Nigeria and me being the professional tag-along I am, I naturally begged to be included when the time comes around. And if you’re going to beg then at least do with the appropriate sugar-coated words. Start with pretty and continue with please.
Today’s word is a Yoruba word used in Nigeria:
Jo – Please
(Note: there should be an accent mark underneath the letter ‘o’.)
English is the official language of Nigeria, which means any traveler should be able to converse and navigate their way from Lagos to Jigawa with ease. (Unless you don’t speak English.) The country’s three main languages include: Yoruba, Ibo (Igbo), and Hausa. Each of the three main languages are named after the people they belong to and carry several dialects within themselves. Motherland Nigeria has an incredible intro to the three languages, Nigerian slang and even a few examples of common Pidgin English spoken. Some audio samples are available as well.
Past Nigerian / Yoruba / Igbo words: ikun, feran, kedu, odabo, gabdun