It’s time to throw our first travel-inspired cookbook into the mix, which is an appropriate word for this selection — The Ethnic Cookbook: Bringing the French Melting Pot Into Your Kitchen is not your ordinary French cookbook. This recent release is a unique celebration of the diverse culinary offerings that centuries of immigrants have bestowed upon Paris. The authors selected over 100 recipes from the menus of international restaurants throughout the city, highlighting the best in taste from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Lebanon and Syria. Each regional section contains adapted recipes and stories about the chefs, shops and markets influencing the ethnic Parisian food scene.
If you’re a Slashfoodie, then you may already own a copy of this colorful cookbook, since our sister site gave away a few copies at the end of March. But any cookbook that creatively combines cuisine from such a variety of places surely deserves a mention for our traveling crew too. (We just don’t have any to give away…sorry!)
So now it’s time to get tasting. If you feel like taking a stab at recreating some of these dishes yourself, go get yourself a copy, or, even better, if you’re in NYC, stop by Labyrinth Books on April 15 at 2:30 pm to meet the authors, Charlotte Puckette and Olivia Kiang-Snaije. I wonder if they’ll have any samples to munch on?