Here’s a dangerous website for all you alcoholics out there who really need a drink but are running a little short in the cash department.
The fine folks over at Budget Travel have thoughtfully dug up a website called which points drinkers-low-on-cash to local events where an open bar will be in session. Currently the site only provides tips for New York, Chicago, San Francisco, and Los Angeles (Boston, DC, and Seattle coming soon) along with a “coolness” rating scale of up to five drink glasses.
So, naturally I checked out what’s happening in Los Angeles tonight and was a little disappointed by the website’s claim, “your guide to free booze.” Of the five events listed for tonight, only one, an art gallery exhibit, was free to get in and promised free drinks once inside. The other four either had cover charges or, for the most part, very cheap drink deals ranging from $1-3.
So, you won’t be getting drunk for entirely free, but it’s sure not going to cost too much to get the job done.