What makes us drawn to images in artwork? Sometimes it’s what is going on in our own life. Sometimes it’s the composition–the placement of objects and the colors. Sometimes it’s the emotion the piece evokes. When I saw this photo “Parisian band playing on Pont St. Louis” by BrittElizabeth, a few things came to mind. First, I thought joy. The expression on the musician’s face looks as if there is no where he would rather be than on this bridge playing music over the Seine. The other thing I thought of was the funeral my 5 year-old son, his friends and I had for his hamster yesterday. One of his friends played a plastic horn similar to this one as part of the service. No one played an organ–that would have been excessive, but it was jazz of sorts.
The other thing this photo reminds me of is just how great it is to have access to a city in the summer. Look at what a glorious day this was. Can’t you just feel the sun warming your skin, the breeze on the bridge and the music putting a step into your gait?
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