I have a vlog now (come on, you don’t!?), and now I can dub myself to bark, chirp or roar if I want. I can even drag and click to have a pet penguin appear in my video. Finally, all my animal fetishes can surface and be recorded in the privacy of my own home!
Not quite what National Geographic might have had in mind with the recent launch of Wildlife Filmmaker, a creator amateur nature-loving filmmakers to make, urrm, nature-loving films!
Perhaps that’s why it doesn’t seem to have the rocking popularity (or abuse) it might have had in today’s freaky vlogger world. That’s where all the video-production junkies muck around giving reality television new meaning; Wildlife Filmmaker doesn’t allow you to mesh any of the features with your own ‘animal instinct’ videos.
When you try to find Wildlife Filmmaker, the link takes you to the National Geographic homepage. Perhaps they’re going to fix the program, that’s why access to the link doesn’t exist anymore (?).
Oh well. I was I am quite excited to have animals featured in some of my productions.
UPDATE: The link works now. Check it out!