It seems like more and more pet-owners want their dogs to match their lifestyle, not only at home, but also when they travel. Hence the recent popularity for doggy dining restaurants, and special welcome packs for dogs on check-in at hotels is no longer uncommon.
Dog food companies are taking advantage of the growing ‘in-separation’ between owners and their dogs and producing doggy latte drinks, doggy beer, and doggy donuts — how awesome is that!
In Spain every other person has a dog, but I haven’t really noticed the kick-off of dog beauty salons or clothes/accessories shops here in Madrid, let alone doggy dining. But, every 14th of January, on the day of Saint Anton (Saint of Animals), Spaniards get to take their pets to church. On this day, you will see queues of people waiting for their dogs and ducks to be blessed.
So, pets are going to restaurants, hotels and churches — do you think they’ll ever be able to fly with us rather than with our baggage?
Photo: Gavin Ashworth, MSNBC