At year’s end, there are always special moments for remembering – for looking back at all that transpired over the past 365 days. And when it comes to travel, that means taking stock of the ground covered as we each moved about the earth. The easiest way for me to recall where I’ve been is to flip through my journals, bursting at the seams with ticket stubs, bookmarks, stickers and receipts. Although quite messy and not artistically crafted, they are a wonderful version of my travels that can be thumbed through at anytime.
But after reading Barbara Hodgson’s latest book, Trading in Memories, I’m inspired to shoot for beauty a bit more in future travel journals. Subtitled “Travels Through a Scavenger’s Favorite Places”, Hodgson celebrates her unique souvenir gathering method in this gorgeous tribute to ephemera, to “bits of detritus” and to the “beauty in erosion.” From Syria to France, China to Canada, Hodgson shares details of her expeditions to curio shops, flea markets and graveyards. What she discovers, and how she captures, and eventually uses “found art” for her creative projects, is beautifully illustrated and explained in this travel book treasure.