Golfers, vacationers and anyone looking to fly under the radar will have a new place to go in May. Grupo Viveros has sunk $300 million into the Viveros Resort on Isla Viveros (Viveros, Viveros, Vivieros … sense a theme?), and in a few months, this small, once uninhabited island off the coast of Panama will be home to a five-star resort community.
Forty-five of the 200 homes being built on the island have already been purchased, but the 140-room hotel on the island’s northern beach may be a reasonable, if short-term, alternative. The hotel won’t be open until 2010, but for now, you can always dart out there and take in a round of golf on the new course. Another hotel – for those who like to chase little white balls – is in the works as well.
Need more exclusivity? Spa facilities, upscale dining and a 300-slip marina and yacht club are on the agenda. Also, a private runway will ensure that you won’t have to mix with the proletarians.
Mark your calendars!