Outdoor gear manufacturer Patagonia has joined forces with Texas Tourism to give away an exciting six night birding trip along the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Grand prize winners will experience one of the best birdwatching zones in the entire country, with more than 600 species on display
To register to win, simply stop by any of the 23 Patagonia stores across the country from June 8 to June 29 for the chance to win one of two trips, as well as a Patagonia gift card to help fund new gear for your adventure. Grand prize winners will receive a trip for two, including airfare, transportation, hotel accommodations, a birding guide, and some meals. Two $250 gift cards are included, and redeemable in any of the Patagonia stores.
Second prize is a five night river trip along the Rio Grande in Big Bend National Park. This rafting excursion includes a personal guide, and a gourmet chef, as well as accommodations for two in a nearby resort for before and after the trip. This prize also includes two $250 gift cards to Patagonia as well.
The third, and final prize, is a $1000 gift card for, you guessed it, Patagonia gear. With that kind of cash, you should be able to outfit your entire clan head-to-toe in Patagonia clothing.
More details on the contest can be found here. Get yourself to a store and sign up for some great gear and cool trips.