Belltowers can be heard from the top of a hillside on a warm Sunday morning in Antananarivo.
If you have headphones I’d suggest using them so you can pick up the small details in the audio. Enjoy!
A classical guitarist plays a solo in a rural village outside of Antananarivo.
Two roosters spar in a local competition. Both roosters wheeze heavily with exhaustion, while the owners splash water on their feet to aggravate them.
A beautiful sunset from the balcony of the Radama hotel, accompanied by the sounds of local broadcast on a wind-up radio.
A small, roadside Malagasy cafe bustles with early morning customers eating rice, fried bread, and oatmeal out of noisy tin bowls.
Two teenagers from Tuléar, Melson & Titina, play guitar on a homemade wooden instrument.
The haunting voices of two street children (kat-mis), begging for money on a late night walk in Antananarivo.
A wildfire burns through brush outside of Ilakaka.
A youth choir performs a song in a local church to commemorate a secondary school graduation.
Catch the previous articles in the East of Africa series here!