New Eye-Fi cards offer twice the speed and twice the storage

The Eye-Fi wireless SD memory cards we love so much here at Gadling just got a whole lot better. Previous cards were limited to a fairly slow 4GB version, which didn’t work too well in all the nice new HD capable cameras.

The new Explore X2 card offers up to 8GB of storage in a class 6 memory card – with an upgrade to 802.11n Wi-Fi. The new storage and wireless speeds mean they’ll work nicely with large photo formats and (HD) video.

Better yet – hotspot enabled Eye-Fi cards can now also use AT&T Wi-Fi, which means connectivity at your local Starbucks and McDonalds.

The new lineup offers three different cards:

  • Eye-Fi Connect X2 – 4GB capacity – MSRP: $49.99.
  • Eye-Fi Explore X2 – 8GB of capacity, lifetime automatic geotagging and one year of hotspot access for uploading away from home at more 21,000 AT&T and Harborlink locations across the Unites States and through open hotspots. MSRP: $99.99.
  • Eye-Fi Pro X2 – 8GB Eye-Fi Pro X2 will automatically upload JPEG and RAW photos and videos to the home computer, and will send them to one of more than 25 online sharing sites. It also allows users to create an ad hoc connection directly to their computer to wirelessly upload photos and videos while away from a wireless router. Like Explore X2, Pro X2 offers lifetime geotagging and one-year of hotspot access to enable uploads away from home at more than 21,000 AT&T and Harborlink hotspots and open hotspots. MSRP: $149.99.

The new cards are available for (pre) order from Best Buy,, Adorama, B&H and J&R.

(Via: Engadget)