This Photo of the Day, titled “Nine Beaches Bermuda,” comes from Gadling Flickr pool member smallscreen and is dedicated to all our friends located in places where cold winter weather has them dreaming of warmer times or climates.
Nine Beaches is a resort in Bermuda, currently undergoing a $55 million redevelopment of which Bermuda’s Royal Gazette says:
“The result will be a first class, mixed use development in a modernized-Bermudian-themed manner, including a complete upgrade of the current over the water units, dockside restaurant and lounge and the addition of new public space, permanent accommodation units and further enhancement of the resort’s grounds and amenities”
Upload your best shots to the Gadling Group Pool on Flickr. Several times a week we choose our favorite images from the pool as a Photo of the Day. Now, you can also submit photos through Instagram; just mention @GadlingTravel and use the hashtag #gadling when posting your images.
[Photo Credit- Flickr user smallscreen]