As airlines continue to squeeze all the add-on fees they possibly can out of travelers, it isn’t in-flight Wi-Fi or extra legroom that is bringing in the most money. The fastest-growing moneymaker for airlines comes from in-flight meal purchases, and passengers are eating the fees up. Shockingly, airlines have been known to charge up to 2,600 percent more than supermarkets for drinks and snacks — such as $4 for a bottle of water. Here are some examples:
- Blueberry muffin on easyJet: $3.83. In store: $2.25.
- Check Mix on US Airways: $3.49. In store: $2.19.
- Clif Bar on American Airlines: $2.89. In store: $1.50.
- Kit Kat Bar on Aer Lingus: $2. In store: $0.79.
- Peanut M&Ms on Delta Air Lines: $3.00. In Store: $0.79.
- Starburst on United Airlines: $2.99. In store: $0.79.
- Water bottle on RyanAir: $4. In store: $1.49.
Travelers, don’t let the airlines nickel and dime you. Avoid a la carte fees by packing snacks in your carry-on luggage or scooping them up at the airport before boarding.
Please note: all in-store prices are taken from Target.