It’s hard to read this list of reasons to love San Diego from Budget Travel without picturing Ron Burgundy pointing at you and saying, “Stay classy San Diego”. Or maybe that’s just me. It’s not that I’m NOT a big fan of California’s southern most city. I actually lived there and taught windsurfing a loooong time ago on Mission bay. But taking a look at this list, I realized how much the city has changed since all those moons ago. A few of the classic SD stand-bys are there. Places like the world-class Zoo and Torrey Pines. But there are some lesser-known spots listed like dog beach and the 18,000-square-foot Newport Avenue Antique Center, the latter of which has little appeal to me, but is, I’m sure, a great inspiration to swap meet-o-philes everywhere. Laid-back, but still urban, San Diego makes for a great long weekend if you’re in California and is, of course, just a hop skip and an enchilada away from Mexico. The list here provides a solid start if you’re heading there looking to explore the city.