I really like this concept of reading a book on location. I think we
often understate how much a place means to us as we go about our daily business. No matter what you might be doing –
reading a book, taking a walk, using your computer – your senses are engaged by your surroundings, and the effect of a
place on your state of being can be profound. That is, your sense of place can powerfully affect your relationship to
what you’re doing.
For example, think of the difference between reading a book on the beach (the susurration of waves, peals of gulls) on
how you relate to the book, versus how that book feels in your head when you are sitting on the subway. They are too
vastly different experiences, I contest.
I bring this up because as we move into beach-reading season, I found this
fine little list of things to read and where. Coudal is truly one of my
favorite sites for things new and interesting, and this list is no exception.
I like the idea so much, later today, I am going to post a list of the books I think are ideal for specific