Nothing out in the urban landscape can blow your mind quite like a well done rooftop bar. Remember Lost in Translation? The whole dynamic between Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson unfolded in the New York Bar on the top floors of the Park Hyatt Tokyo, backdropped against the smooth jazz singer, a few stiff drinks and the Tokyo Skyline. It’s hard for amazing things not to happen in a setting like that.
Bangkok’s version of the New York Bar is called Skybar, the beverage component of Sirocco at the top of lebua at State Tower. Taking the elevator up to the concrete, roman-stlye dome that overlooks the outcropping, it’s easy to see why Skybar and Sirocco are so popular: they’re gorgeous. The color changing ring in which the bartender serves drinks juts out against the hotel and over the infinite city, and as the hue shifts from pink to blue to green it’s hard to choose among staring at the people, the bar and the skyline.
As the live jazz band plays on, those longing for a bite to eat can sample Sirocco’s fine Mediterranean fare as they bask outdoors in the city night. Others visiting for the drinks and the sights alone can both spend time socializing around the Skybar ring or wander up to Distil, an indoor/outdoor mecca for premium spirits. Here, they can sample the rarest of Johnnie Walker scotch whiskies, the most exclusive Cognacs and a wide selection of hand rolled Cuban Cigars.
Skybar, Distil and Sirocco can be found at the top of lebua at State Tower, 1055 Silom Road, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500. Make sure you dress sharply, no sandals or troublemakers are allowed.
Disclaimer: lebua sponsored our trip to come check out their hotels, though our opinions and experiences were all of our own design.