Yesterday, HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad Al-Khalif of the Kingdom of Bahrain made the decision to cancel the opening race of the 2011 Formula 1 championship. The current unrest in the Kingdom made it impossible to ensure the safety of the thousands of visitors, and the country is still recovering from a week of turmoil.
HRH Prince Salman issued the following statement:
“After the events of the past week, our nation’s priority is on overcoming tragedy, healing divisions and rediscovering the fabric that draws this country together; reminding the world of the very best that Bahrain is capable of as a nation once again united.”
Because of this, the 2011 season won’t start till the Qantas Australian Grand Prix in Melbourne on March 25th through the 27th. As of right now, the Bahrain race has not been rescheduled.
[Photo: John Moore/Getty Images]