REI Adventures, the travel subsidiary of outdoor gear retailer REI, has announced a host of new options for travelers looking to for a once in a lifetime experience in 2012. The new trips expand an already impressive array of adventure travel opportunities that deftly mix active excursions with culture, history, and fine cuisine.
Among the new itineraries for 2012 is a guided hike along an ancient route between Umbria and Rome that was once used by Christian pilgrims. The trek takes hikers through idyllic Italian countrysides, putting the art, architecture, and history of that country on display. Those looking to rough it a bit more, may want to check out the option to visit an EcoCamp in the heart of Chile’s Patagonia region, while families looking for a unique escape should consider the Machu Picchu Adventure. REI didn’t forget about the active traveler either, as the new trips include options to go snowshoeing in the Adirondacks, ice climbing in the Catskills, or hiking through Yosemite. To learn more about these trips, or review all of the other new options for 2012, click here.
Of course, if you’re going on trip like one of these, you’ll invariably need some new gear as well. To help you shop for that equipment, REI is currently offering a $50 gift card to anyone who signs up for one of these new 2012 trips before December 31st of this year. This is your opportunity to not only go on the trip that you’ve always dreamed of, but also get some free gear too!
Whether you like to hike, backpack, cycle, climb, or paddle, REI Adventures has a trip that will satisfy your wanderlust. Obviously 2011 is quickly coming to an end, and it is never too early to start planning for next year.
[Photo courtesy REI Adventures]