My shopping experiences abroad haven’t been the most memorable of my trips, but World Market, an online shop for
merchandise all over the globe has an area dedicated for what they title, "Tales from the Trip." Stories from places
like Italy, China, Turkey and Australia from buyers fascinated not only with their purchases, but the tremendous
amounts of work put into the handmade kilim rugs, beautiful Tuscan dinnerware, Chinese water buckets and Buderim Ginger
products. When carefully thought of and sought after some purchases, especially the ones described in each story should
have every traveler feeling guilt free.
On my own ventures into the actual world market I try not to
collect too many things I think are amazing at the time and later to find junk in my home. It’s happened in the past
which I’ve learned to create the most precious souvenirs from the photos I’ve taken along the way. However, that is
really straying from the matter at hand and that is to read these quick bits of exchange between buyer and seller,
resident and tourist, businessman and vagabond, etc. There is something real soothing and peaceful found in each
transaction and in each tale.