With the war on Christmas raging out of
control and conservative blowhards helping to ruin the very holiday they’re trying to save, it’s nice to know that a
little paganism is alive and well. I love pagans, and suggest that they get short shrift in society. This is no fault
of theirs, of course. It’s just that they’re a bit disorganized. They don’t have much worthwhile to rage about,
to rally for, to organize and conquer for. No one to kill. Such is the nature of paganism (and liberalism for that
matter…and let’s facie it, almost all pagans are liberals…even though not al liberals are pagans)…um, where was
Oh, yes, paganism and its wonders and unheralded glories. Just for the sake of argument and example,
let’s turn to one of the best pagan rituals around: Burning Man. What a
wonderful event and time and place it is. People gathered for no other purpose but to enjoy a barren stretch of land,
be with one another, indulge a little bit in forbidden pleasure. You know the Google guys are big big fans of Burning
Man? And where would we be without Google?
Anyway, the topic of this ramble is paganism, and one other fine
example of harmless pagan fun is the new holiday of Festivus, which our friends over at TV Squad are
celebrating with mirth and blogging. In case you’ve been living under a rock (or hate TV with religious passion)
and have never heard of Fesitvus, you can always check out the Wiki
entry to learn more…like shrinkage, it comes from an episode of Seinfeld. So, Happy Festivus, folks.