Christmas is pretty much said and done with in most parts of the world, but I’ve still got 53 minutes left and counting.
As pleased as I am with the days results I’ll be happy to watch it pass and do it all over again next year. But before
this day of joy and giddy laughter comes to an abrupt end I thought I’d throw a quick travel trivia question out there.
Now it’s not uncommon for films to spark a person’s interest so much that they’re ready to catch the next train out of
town and re-enact the scenes they’ve seen and while watching ‘It’s
A Wonderful Life,’ I thought Bedford Falls must be one heck of a Christmas town. But where is Bedford Falls?
Well if you said it doesn’t exist, you’re both right and a wee-bit wrong. According to IMDB the name of the town was combined from Bedford Hills, NY and Seneca Falls, NY. From the looks of it Seneca Falls embraces the movie by hosting weekends dedicated to the event,
while sleepy Bedford Hills doesn’t quite do the same (or at least from what I gather) there is still a number of things
to explore in both cities before the New Year. Click on the links above to discover more in each town.