Ladies your bikini has just become the best and most essential travel item. The Post Gazette has a tale from writer Caroline Graham, a journeying journalist, who has mastered packing the necessities in a hurry. Caroline takes us to Deadhorse, the only place you can swim in the Arctic in addition to Mississippi and the Caribbean where you’d expect a swimsuit to come in handy. Her reasoning why a swimsuit should be included in every woman’s travel emergency kit is very basic: bras chafe and cotton underwear takes hours to dry. In other words she is suggesting that swim wear is the perfect alternative to traditional undergarments when you’re on the run. Hmm…
Not buying Caroline’s essential travel tips yet? There’s more. She suggests having Puma lightweight trainers along with a list of other very vital items such as aspirin, Deet, moleskin, plasters and dental concrete. Can’t say this list will work for all or that you’ll want to go diving into to Arctic cold waters in your bikini, but the story is worth a read. In short Caroline seems pretty ballsy.