Word for the Travel Wise (02/24/06)

Before Neil joined our team here I never gave much thought to these distant, far eastern lands mentioned in his thorough and ongoing Red Corner series. Sure I’ve been to Budapest, checked out some of those old dusty (and rather interesting) Communist statues that once stood in the city, but that was all by accident and never would I have imagined people planning trips to Yugoslavia, Slovakia, Slovenia or staying overnight in a Latvian prison. Sure, I may have offered whatever little bit I’d heard through the grapevine on places like Prague, but Neil is the real go-to-guy. While most of you seem rather tuned into these posts if you’ve been missing them by chance I suggest you start looking out. He’s got my attention.

Today’s word is a Latvian word used in Latvia:

cirvis – axe

Somehow I thought this word went well with Neil’s blurb on Latvia’s most notorious prison, Karosta and staying overnight there – if you so desire. Spending a night in a cramped jail cell certainly isn’t my cup of tea, but perhaps it’s yours or say you mistakenly end up there and wish to break free from being behind the less than shiny bars. A ‘cirvis’ or axe wouldn’t be my first recommendation or device of choice in escaping, but what would I know about the slammer or breaking out of one?

To learn Latvian online for free you’ll need to be resourceful. Start with this Latvian Institute website full of info on the country and a short page dedicated to the lang and some common words which include axe, broom, pea, and beard. The Latvian tourism site has few, but far more useful in terms of greetings. If you’re more about face-to-face language practice head to the American Latvian Association’s annual meeting this coming April. As always find out who on My Language Exchange would be willing to help.

Red Corner: Bunking Down in Latvian Prison

Rather low on my list of things to do before I die is to spend a night in jail.

Good news, however, for adventure tourists hopped up on doing so; they can now avoid the social stigma of a public trial, and simply pay a few bucks for the experience.
For just $8, the very curious can sleep overnight in Latvia’s notorious Karosta prison. Each guest receives his own jail cell and cot, access to a communal “Soviet prison toilet,” and cold water.

For just four dollars more, a local theater troupe will dress up as guards and turn an already harrowing experience into an altogether more frightening and realistic one. They won’t beat you, but they ain’t putting chocolates on your pillows either.

A quick word about the prison. Karosta isn’t a modern prison with automatic doors and a row of bars to clank your metal cup against. This is an old school jail. Built in 1905, it was operated by the 20th century’s most notorious regimes; the Nazis during World War II and the Soviets during the Cold War. It was a horrible place that still harbors horrible memories even today. Don’t expect a good night of sleep while bedding down there.

Red Corner: Baltic States vs. United States

What are the differences between the Baltic States and the United States?

Well, there are quite a few-beginning with the fact that most any Baltic citizen over the age of ten can find America on a map, while most Americans can’t even identify the three Baltic States (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia) much less locate them on a globe (and I’m not talking about you finely educated, American Gadling readers here).

Apparently the differences between the Baltics and the U.S. are numerous enough that Michael Tarm, a former editor of the Baltic City Paper, and a current resident of Chicago, has felt it necessary to boil down just the Top 10 and share them with the world. The list is quite humorous, and not exactly in favor of the United States, but hey, if you can’t laugh at yourself, you can you laugh at?

Now, if you could just point me in the direction of the nearest Latvian embassy. I feel some flames coming on.

Ouch! Just kidding folks!