Friday Funny: Old Travel Dangers Video

Jeff and Nancy take an exotic lovers vacation to (gasp!) Acapulco, Mexico in this absurdly silly and over-wrought video from YouTube. Nancy actually looks quite fetching walking the beach, and one immediately wonders how she got stuck with this Jeff guy, but that’s beside the point, I suppose. No matter. It’s a shame, in an odd sort of way, they don’t make videos like this anymore…although if they did, one would imagine it would be Rwanda or something, not Mexico, that people would be warned about. Amazing how things change.

Friday Funny: One Sentence

If you believe brevity is the soul of wit then this site is for you. I thought the concept here was excellent, and the implementation both impressive and entertaining. The site is called, and the conceit is simple…so simple in fact that simplicity is its entire raison d’etre. The site is a series of entire stories, all of them complete in their own way, most of them somehow informative, many of them quite interesting…all told in a single sentence.

Let me pull a few for your reading enjoyment:

My mental illness drove me to seek help, but his mental illness drove him to molest his patients.

She tried to touch my lips as I sat stoned on the kitchen floor, but I kissed her hair instead, and left her for the cooler.

She was my favorite cousin and my best friend, but that didn’t stop her from screwing my fiance then marrying him.

As you can see….sometimes odd, sometimes tragic, often funny. And you can go over to the site and submit your own. I can thnk of fewer things mre fun on a late Friday. OK, I can think of a lot of more fun things, but still, pretty cool.

Friday Funny: The End of the World

For doomsayers and REM fans alike, here is a superb little video about nothing less than the end of the world as we know it. Yes, you’ll feel fine as you sit and watch how we bring to a close this final chapter of humanity. Of course, those living in Hawaii, California and Alaska, well, I’ll leave that as a surprise. What I don’t understand is why the guy who narrates has a outrageous French accent.

Friday Funny: Kitsch Souvenir Photos

Sometimes I’m not sure where travelers like Michael Hughes get all their time and money to travel. Like the famous Dancing Matt, who has paraded and boogied around the globe and done a fine job chronicling said adventures via little video dancing bits, Mr. Hughes is apparently traveling the globe in pursuit of fleeting photographic fame by taking kitchy, souvenir objects and placing them in front of the actual objects and then shooting a picture of it….all of which can be seen at his Flickr site here.

But despite my questioning these photos provenance from a lifestyle/financial angle, I have to say the whole enterprise is pretty damn clever. And fun.

(via Boing Boing)

Losing your Pants to a Scam Artist

Everyone has travel advice. You can’t leave for a trip without someone, at the very minimum, telling you to “stay safe.”

Part of staying safe is avoiding the thievery which stalks unsuspecting travelers; as we all know, certain areas are rife with unsavory characters anxious to make you wish you had listened to the advice to stay clear of such trouble.

For example, a popular trick to part travelers from their money is “The Unexpected Tailor” scam in which a tourist is approached in the subway by a tailor who begins measuring their pants. The tailor tells his target that he can have the pants hemmed by the afternoon and then talks the tourist into taking off his pants and handing them over–hopefully with wallet absently left within.

One can learn about this horrific tragedy, and other scams very similar, in an entertaining article by Jason Roeder in the New Yorker. Take a moment to read it through thoroughly; the pants you save may be your own.