Word for the Travel Wise (01/28/07)

Just a couple of weeks back Neil discussed touring Moscow in winter and how his travels at such a frigid, freezing time came off strange to most and how strange it was that he actually found himself enjoying not-so-much the cold weather, but the difference in attitude and face among Russian natives. According to his travel notes he found the people were quite festive. Strange, because Russinas aren’t normally considered festive.

Today’s word is a Russian word used in Russia:

stranno – strange (it’s)

Ready to learn Russian? Check out Master Russian first. They have numerous excellent sound files and the text is clear and easy to read. Learning also goes beyond your Russian A, B, C’s at their site as they have crosswords, literature, proverbs, folk music, and homework help. Other good sites include Learning Russian and this Ectaco Translation Dictionary. Click here for two language book rec’s on Amazon. BBC has the basics to download and hear audio, while Wiki provides the in depth Russian lang back history.

Past Russian words: , shakzochniy, paka, spasiba, tuhmohzhmyah, tantsihvat, durak

Word for the Travel Wise (12/27/06)

No rhyme or reason for selecting this word tonight. It is short and simple and shouldn’t be used loosely I’d imagine.

Today’s word is a Russian word used in Russia:

durak – fool

Ready to learn Russian? Check out Master Russian first. They have numerous excellent sound files and the text is clear and easy to read. Learning also goes beyond your Russian A, B, C’s at their site as they have crosswords, literature, proverbs, folk music, and homework help. Other good sites include Learning Russian and this Ectaco Translation Dictionary. Click here for two language book rec’s on Amazon. BBC has the basics to download and hear audio, while Wiki provides the in depth Russian lang back history.

Past Russian words: , shakzochniy, paka, spasiba, tuhmohzhmyah, tantsihvat

Word for the Travel Wise (11/02/06)

Now that November has come the holidays will be here in the blink of an eye! And with the holidays, I always start to think about a nice cold glass of egg nog with nutmeg sprinkled all over the top, but besides that I think of all magical festivities. Take the Nutcracker for instance – sadly I’ve never had the chance to see the Russian fairy-ballet performed on stage. Yet, with each and every season it seems the opportunities to watch this show are a dime a dozen. Whether or not they’ll be great I can’t say and aside from all this babble, I bring you your very special word for the day.

Today’s word is a Russian word used in Russia:

tantsihvat – dance

Ready to learn Russian? Check out Master Russian first. They have numerous excellent sound files and the text is clear and easy to read. Learning also goes beyond your Russian A, B, C’s at their site as they have crosswords, literature, proverbs, folk music, and homework help. Other good sites include Learning Russian and this Ectaco Translation Dictionary. Click here for two language book rec’s on Amazon. BBC has the basics to download and hear audio, while Wiki provides the in depth Russian lang back history.

Past Russian words: , shakzochniy, paka, spasiba, tuhmohzhmyah

Dining in Dushanbe: Kand

Kand wouldn’t be the first place I’d recommend if you’re hoping to dine the way most Tajiks do. While the quiet open outdoor dining is fabulous for couples looking to be left alone however, groups seeking cultural experiences will be disappointed. We ate at Kand on two occasions and both times it felt as if we were the only party eating at their establishment. Also regarding the restaurant environment there appeared be some renovations to the stage where I’m told performances (ballet and such) normally take place. We weren’t lucky enough to see any ballet, but there was a man on a keyboard accompanied by a singer one night.

Now the food is great IMO. I had trout the first time and a beef kebab the second and both were seasoned and flavored for perfection. Service was okay. I actually can’t recall what the wait staff was like. There was little personality, but considering how appetizing the meals were I can let lack of personality slide. Great place to go to eat and get out, but don’t look for an overly live atmosphere.

Prices range from 5TJS-35TJS.

Word for the Travel Wise (09/09/06)

Before we took off on our trip most of the group had planned on flying through Moscow into Dushanbe so they could get the right flights with Tajik Air and that is what they ended up doing. I decided to bypass all that because Tajik air tends to be a little fickle and didn’t want to chance getting in late. I went through Turkish Air which also meant I didn’t have to apply for a Russian visa. Thank goodness! I’ve heard some horror stories about getting visas for Russia, especially from our European team members. Just thought to share a piece of the tale for anyone going through the process right now.

Today’s word is a Russian word used in Russia:

tuhmohzhnyah – customs

Ready to learn Russian? Check out Master Russian first. They have numerous excellent sound files and the text is clear and easy to read. Learning also goes beyond your Russian A, B, C’s at their site as they have crosswords, literature, proverbs, folk music, and homework help. Other good sites include Learning Russian and this Ectaco Translation Dictionary. Click here for two language book rec’s on Amazon. BBC has the basics to download and hear audio, while Wiki provides the in depth Russian lang back history.

Past Russian words: , shakzochniy, paka, spasiba