Some meals are just made for the beach. When I think of sandy picnics, I imagine sandwiches, potato chips, fresh seafood (lobster rolls!) and lots of fruit. Other foods, however, just don’t seem right for the beach. I’ve never woking up from sunbathing and said, “Man, I sure could go for a shepherd’s pie right about now.” Not once have I wished that the vendors walking up and down the beach has piping hot lasagna in their carts. Beach food can be a fickle thing.
This photo by Flickr user Bernard-SD got me to thinking about what foods make the most sense on the beach. Noodles on the beach may seem odd, but after surfing in Bali recently, I slurped up a bowl of ramen just a few feet from the water and could not have enjoyed it more. This photo was taken in Lombok, not far from Bali, and I’m beginning to think Indonesian beach food might be better than the turkey sandwiches I’m used to back home. Hm, maybe a shepherd’s pie wouldn’t be so bad after all.
Taken any photos of beach food? Or maybe just some fantastic pictures of the people, places and things you’ve encountered on your travels? Why not add them to our Gadling group on Flickr? We might just pick one of yours as our Photo of the Day.