Photo of the day: Rosendal, Norway

Norway is a place I’d like to go. To be fair, I’m a travel writer. I’d like to go most places. Scratch that. I want to go everywhere. But Norway seems particularly enchanting to me.

When photographer, Ben Britz, first began traveling, he traveled in the most frugal ways possible. While in Norway back in 2005, he traveled only with a backpack. With a small tent for sleeping and a thumb in good shape for hitching rides, he explored Norway. As a note for those looking to camp in Norway, here’s a tip: in Norway it’s legal to camp anywhere you want (except for farmland or cities), even private property, as long as property owners cannot see you.

Thankfully, he managed to find room to pack his camera and took this shot.

Want us to feature one of your photos for Photo of The Day? Go ahead and submit your shots to the Gadling Flickr Pool.

Photo of the Day (1.12.11)

Have you ever caught the absolute perfect view of a place? Be it a city’s shape or a cloud’s roll, have you ever felt like you saw something you wish you could share with the world? Those moments are what I live for. They’re why we travel.

A lot of Latin American cities are similar to San Jose, Costa Rica–at least at night. Many of them climb up hillsides and cast a deep orange glow onto the lingering low clouds after sunset. This shot was captured by photographer, Ben Britz, this past summer.

Atop a high hill in San Jose sits a restaurant from where he got this shot. Equipped with live local music and dancing, this place made for the perfect perch for the perfect shot.

Have a photo you’d like to submit for Photo of the Day? Submit it to the Gadling Flickr Pool.