Just in time for National Trails Day, the National Parks Foundation and outdoor gear company Merrell, have announced their ten “can’t miss” hikes for the summer ahead. As you can imagine, each of these trails can be found inside a national park, and each makes for a fantastic experience guaranteed to wow outdoor enthusiasts and casual trekkers alike.
The ten trails are located in a variety of places across the country, which means that there is likely to be one of these routes located in your region, no matter where you live in the U.S. They also cross through a wide variety of environments, including mountains, deserts, caves, and more. The shortest of the routes is a mere 650 yards in length, while the longest stretches for five miles through scenic California backcountry, ensuring there is something for everyone on the list.
The ten can’t miss hikes, according to the NPF and Merrell, are as follows:
1. Painted Desert Rim Trail (1 Mile)
Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona
2. Wapama Falls (5 Miles)
Yosemite National Park, California
3. Rim Rock Nature Trail (1 Mile)
Black Canyon of the Gunnison, Colorado
4. Turtle Mound Trail (.3 Miles)
Canaveral National Seashore, Florida
5. General Bragg Trail (5 Miles)
Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park, Georgia
6. Interdune Boardwalk (650 Yards)
White Sands National Park, New Mexico
7. Canyons Trail (3.5 Miles)
Jewel Cave National Monument, South Dakota
8. Dog Canyon Trail (4 Miles)
Big Bend National Park, Texas
9. Andrews Bald Trail (3.5 Miles)
Great Smokey Mountains, Tennessee
10. Ocean Path Trail (4 Miles)
Acadia National Park, Maine
There you have it! Ten great trails in ten great national parks locations. Any one of these hikes are a fantastic way to spend National Trails Day, or any other day this summer for that matter. So lace up your hiking boots and get a move on!
What is your favorite trail?
[Photo Credit: chensiyuan via WikiMedia]