Photo of the day – Intha leg rowers boat race in Burma

What do you see in the photo above? Men walking awkwardly on stilts or a bridge gone horribly wrong? They’re actually competing in a boat race in Myanmar using the traditional Intha leg-rowing technique. The Intha people developed this unusual style of rowing in order to navigate around the many reeds and plants in the lake that they may not see rowing from a seated position. In this race, each boat holds 30 men balancing on a horizontal railing in the middle of the boat, using the other leg to row. Thanks to Flickr user Mark Fischer for a great shot with an interesting story.

Have you captured any unique sporting events on your travels? Add them to the Gadling group on Flickr and we might just pick one of yours as a future Photo of the Day.

Photo of the Day – Boats in Croatia

As a kid, I spent lots of summer vacations staring at boats in the harbor. I never had a good reason for it but today, Flickr user nicocrisafulli’s photo brought all those boat memories rushing back. There’s something childlike and wonderful about their motion, sound and colors: the way they chaotically bob up and down, the soft thwapping of the covers whipping in the breeze and their colorful hulls accented by a rainbow of blues and reds. It’s pretty much exactly what we see in this shot, which was captured in the beautiful Mediterranean city of Dubrovnik, Croatia. I can already smell the crisp sea air in my mind.

Have any great travel photos you’d like to share with the world? Why not add them to the Gadling group on Flickr? We might just pick one of yours as our Photo of the Day.

Photo of the Day (01.03.11)

I love that people still send postcards. With email, Facebook, Skype, texting and every other form of communication making the world smaller, good old-fashioned letter writing has been replaced by instantaneous shorthand gibberish. It’s nice to know that, know matter where you are or how remote your location, that, if you slap some postage on a piece of paper, it will eventually arrive at its destination to bring a smile to its recipient.

That’s why I was so pleased when I saw Flickr user stefantrego’s photo of a mail boat in Old Forge, New York. It’s reassuring to know that the mail will make it across bodies of water…at least once the snow melts.

Taken any photos of mail carriers during your travels? Or maybe just some fantastic pictures of the people, places and things you’ve encountered along the way? Why not add them to our Gadling group on Flickr? We might just pick one of yours as our Photo of the Day.

Photo of the Day (12.12.10)

The faded colors and textures of Flickr user clee130’s photo from the Caribbean island of Curaçao caught my eye today. I love the bright red shirt and hat of the fisherman, the grimy patterns streaking the side of his boat and the soft green textures of the glassy water behind him. Add the slightly off-center “tilt” of the camera and you’ve got a relatively simple image with a lot of intriguing details lurking just below the surface.

Taken any great photos during your own travels? Why not share them with our readers by adding them to the Gadling group on Flickr? We might just pick one of your shots as our Photo of the Day.

Photo of the day (9.9.10)

Few things are more pleasant than tooling around in a slow boat and taking in a landscape via water. This photo by Flickr user Giovanni Fusco (whose photostream captures more than a few “wow” moments) taken in Dordogne, France shows a beautiful balance of the tranquility of the river with the rocky cliffs above. Just looking at it makes you feel peaceful and tempted to hop off for a farmhouse picnic, visit to a winery, or just stay aboard and enjoy the scenery.

Add your beautiful views to Gadling’s Flickr pool and it could be tomorrow’s Photo of the Day.