This Photo of the Day, titled “The Bubble Man,” comes from Gadling Flickr pool member thetravelingteacher and was captured using a Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi.
Captioning the image, thetravelingteacher (AKA Lauren Irons) says, “Found this guy in Taman Fatahillah, Jakarta, surrounded by local school children. He has an epic talent for making bubbles!”
This photo is one of 20 images in thetravelingteacher‘s Indonesia set that were shot after moving to Java to teach at an international school.
Digging a bit deeper by visiting Iron’s TheTravelingTeacher blog, we find a great many other photos from her travels too. Through Cambodia, Malaysia, Morocco, India and other countries around the world, Irons takes fans along for the ride via her blog, rich in colorful photos and first-hand accounts of her adventure.
Want to be featured? Upload your best shots to the Gadling Group Pool on Flickr. Several times a week we choose our favorite images from the pool as a Photo of the Day.
Tips for being featured: add a caption describing the image and (better yet) your personal experience when capturing it, details of the photography gear used and any tips you might have for others wanting to emulate your work.
Now, you can also submit photos through Instagram; just mention @GadlingTravel and use the hashtag #gadling when posting your images.
[Photo Credits Flickr user thetravelingteacher]